Transitional Kindergarten

CRLA Yorba Linda welcomes our youngest students to TK (Transitional Kindergarten) this fall! TK is the first year of a two-year Kindergarten program that uses a modified Kindergarten curriculum which is age and developmentally appropriate.

Children who turn five years old between September 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020 are eligible for TK in 2024/25. Our unique program offers two options: AM and PM (8:40 AM - 12:05 PM or 12:05 PM - 3:30 PM). Teacher-supervised lunch time is offered for both sections of TK.

All students will be taught in a 12:1 student to teacher ratio setting. Through meaningful and developmentally appropriate instruction, social and emotional instruction and support, play, and virtue-based instruction, our TK class will become the foundation of all that we hope to build in our students. 

Because CRLA is  a charter school, parents receive the benefit of an excellent and free education for their child. Because CRLA is a classical school, students receive the benefit of a content-rich curriculum and robust education. Our TK students will be taught by a credentialed teacher who will provide instruction in:

  • Math (Singapore Math)

  • Literacy (Literacy Essentials)

  • History/Science/Music/Art (Core Knowledge sequence)

  • Leadership (LeaderInMe, Franklin Covey Education)

Did you know? Research has confirmed that students who have  attended preschool/TK demonstrate:

  • Improved self-control and ability to manage emotions

  • Higher achievement in math and reading throughout elementary school

  • Increased likelihood of high school graduation

  • Increased likelihood of a college degree